Friday 9 July 2010

Malkavian '10 - Henrik Jäkel + Eddie

A new round of Vampire the Masquerade and a new malkavian. This one, it turned out, was much too complicated to play (having a split personality disorder and two very extreme and difficult-to-play personalities in one character) but in the end it was a rewarding experience and it gave me a rather neat picture to show.


Blogger Unknown said...

There is a mań p|ayińg a vio|iń, ańd the strińgs are the ńerves iń his owń arms.

G|ad to see there are sti|| peop|e p|aying the game? I p|ayed in the ear|y 90s. Via the internet ( AOL ) and down on campus via the LARPing community. I wish you the best of |uck on your endevours

24 February 2015 at 11:02  
Blogger Unknown said...

I know of a site designed for deve|opers |ike you. Check it out.

24 February 2015 at 11:03  
Blogger Unknown said...

They helped make a game for the ps3 called castle crashers perhaps your fami|iar? Either way again. Keep at it. I am in serious need of some good games.

24 February 2015 at 11:05  

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